20. 12. 2021
Jure Pukl: Tenor Saxophon / tenorsaxophone / Ddenooasaggsofoon
Georg Vogel: Tasten / Keys / Ddassdn
Raphael Preuschl: E-Bass
/ E-Boss
Michael Prowaznik: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Porgy & Bess Wien
20:30 Uhr, 8:30 PM, Hoewa Naene
c Eckhart Derschmidt
7. 12. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone / Clavitones / Glaveddoone
David Dornig: 31-Ton Gitarre / 31-tone guitar / 31-Ddoon Giddaa
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Kick Jazz Festival Porgy & Bess, Wien
c Severin Koller
12. 11. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone / Clavitones / Glaveddoone
David Dornig: 31-Ton Gitarre / 31-tone guitar / 31-Ddoon Giddaa
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Sound Plasma Festival, Tallinn
22. 10. 2021
Georg Vogel: 31-Ton Clavitone // 31-tone Clavitones // 31-Ddoon Glaveddoone
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug // drumset // Dsaegl
Zwe Wien, Floßgasse 4,
20:15, 8:15 PM
9. 10. 2021
Jazztage Leipzig
5. 10. 2021
KM28 Berlin
4. 10. 2021
Viideodree, am Clavemusicum Omnitonum in Basel- Doŋŋkše in Johannes Keller & ProjektStudio31
3. 10. 2021
11.00 Uhr, Kleiner Saal
Vortrag am // Presentation at //
Foadrok am:
Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie in Basel
Enharmonic Aspects at Improvising with 12-tone All-Intervall Chords in 31-edo over Selected Progressions
12-tone all-intervall chords, consisting of all 12-tone intervalls containing four-note groupings, can be interpreted and used in multiple tonal ways. One of the presented techniques bases on solmisation of each note in order to define diatonic surroundings as part of conjunct tetra- and hexachords. This determines the enharmonic interpretation and therefore the intonation of each note in extended meantone / 31-edo.
Another approach is based on spectral intonation possibilities of the groupings within the limitations of 31 equal temperament; with well approximations of the 5th and 7th harmonic, tempered tertial and pseudo undecimal and tridecimal intonations.
As a third starting point the selected all-intervall structures will be laid over fixed octave-varying enharmonic selections out of 31-edo.
All techniques together will be shown as target chord structures as well as substituting approaches at chord progressions of the three pieces Chopin´s Waltz Op. 69 No. 1, Frankowsky´s I hob kan Dsinns no dsoed & Davis´ Donna Lee, examplified on split-sharps keyboard instruments.
26. 9. 2021
Georg Vogel: 31-Ton Claviton // 31-tone Clavitone // 31-Ddoon Glaveddoon
Zwe Floßgasse 4
20:15, 8:31 PM
21. 8. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone / Clavitones / Glaveddoone
David Dornig: 31-Ton Gitarre / 31-tone guitar / 31-Ddoon Giddaa
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Jazz Festival Saalfelden
Duschscha - Georg Vogel
Adsunt Aves - David Dornig
Prismaschatten - David Dornig
Malend in Neon - David Dornig
Utcis Gesol in fbb - Georg Vogel
M0 - Georg Vogel
Ansel Drosse - David Dornig
Finkostar - David Dornig
Dsilton - Georg Vogel
c Clemens Radauer
c gv
20. 8. 2021
Georg Vogel: Tasten / keys / Ddassdn
Andreas Lettner: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Jazz Festial Saalfelden
20. 8. 2021
Gerald Preinfalk: Sax. / Saggs
Georg Vogel: Tasten / keys / Ddassdn
Matheus Jardim: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Jazz Festial Saalfelden
18. 8. 2021
Georg Vogel: 31-Ton Claviton, Klavier
Gerald Preinfalk: Saxophone
Impuls Academy 2021 Graz
Proberaum im Mumuth
16:30 - 17:00 Konnddseatt / Konzert / Concert
17:30 - 19:00
Bbresennddadseoon / Präsentation / Presentation
... => website impulse
... With the Clavitone, Georg Vogel presents a self-constructed key instrument with 31 tones per octave. The key division is hereby based on the principle of lower and upper keys, whereby the latter ones are subdivided several times following the extended meantone tuning.
After a short introduction of the instrument and its possibilities, Georg Vogel will open up the presentation towards a workshop talk and try-out for sketches, questions and ideas submitted in advance.
In order to make the meeting a more productive one, specific questions, but also sketches and ideas, involving the clavitone should be sent in advance (deadline: May 15th, 2021, subject: clavitone) to info(at)georgvogel(dot)net as well as to office(at)impuls(dot)cc. As the number of participants is limited, pre-registration is necessary (first come first serve for those, who submit questions, sketches, ideas / passive listeners welcome upon availability on site).
14. 8. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone / Clavitones / Glaveddoone
David Dornig: 31-Ton Gitarre / 31-tone guitar / 31-Ddoon Giddaa
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Festival Sansusi
Duschscha - Georg Vogel
Adsunt Aves - David Dornig
Prismaschatten - David Dornig
Malend in Neon - David Dornig
Utcis Gesol in fbb - Georg Vogel
M0 - Georg Vogel
Ansel Drosse - David Dornig
Finkostar - David Dornig
Dsilton - Georg Vogel
c Sansusi Festival
11. 8. 2021
Georg Vogel: Klavier, piano, Glawiia
Andreas Waelti: Kontrabass, bass
Michael Prowaznik: Schlagzeug, Dsaegl
Opus Jazz Club BMC Budapest
20:30 Uhr, 8:30 PM, Hoeva Naene
8. 8. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone / Clavitones / Glaveddoone
David Dornig: 31-Ton Gitarre / 31-tone guitar / 31-Ddoon Giddaa
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Wien dreht auf! Kultursommer Festival
Bühne Donauinsel
18:30 - 19:30 h
Duschscha - Georg Vogel
Adsunt Aves - David Dornig
Prismaschatten - David Dornig
Malend in Neon - David Dornig
Utcis Gesol in fbb - Georg Vogel
M0 - Georg Vogel
Ansel Drosse - David Dornig
Finkostar - David Dornig
Dsilton - Georg Vogel
c Eckhart Derschmidt
c gv
30. 6. 2021 19.00h
Symposium Small is Beautiful
(2.-4. 7. 2021)
der Internationalen Gesellschaft für ekmelische Musik in Salzburg (online)
Georg Vogel & David Dornig - (Pseudo)-Spectral Composition- and Improvisation-Techniques in 31-EDO
Subject of this lecture is an overview on current explorations of spectral aspects of 31 equal temperament that led and lead to compositions for the 31-tone band Dsilton as well as to step-by-step improvisation-techniques on the used instruments such as a 31-tone guitar and the Claviton, a newly built 31-tone keyboard instrument with multiple split sharps.
Since 31-EDO is an equal division of the octave, there are only approximations of the intervals of the harmonic series available, but it shows a very special selection of pseudo just intonation ratios that can be used in various transpositions.
As it is the base also of the Clavitons keyboard layout, the whole number ratio approximating intervalls will be shown on the one hand in the diatonic, quarter-comma meantone related visualisation of 31-EDO and on the other hand using intonation accidentals.
Basically 31 can be described as a temperament with pure, 5-limit major thirds and tempered 3-limit fifths. Beyond that it includes the pure septimal 7th and some approximations to higher limit primes such as 11 and 13.
Exemplified on the Claviton, tetrachord and triad based melody and harmony will be explored in various possible intonations within the limitations of the EDO-tuning, especially concerning several upperstructure groupings.
=> about pseudo 11th harmonic in 31EDO
=> about pseudo 13th harmonic in 31EDO
24. 6. 2021
Georg Vogel: Klavier
Schloss Goldegg, Goedegg
Moderation: Andreas Felber
Olivier Messiaen - La Colombe
Georg Vogel - Dunst
Johann Sebastian Bach - Invention 9
Thelonious Monk - Introspection
György Ligeti - En Suspense
Georg Vogel - M0
Georg Vogel - Interlude 1&2
Giovanni Salvatore - Canzone Franc. Secondo Del Nono Tono Naturale
Frédéric Chopin - Walzer Op. 69 N.1
Georg Vogel - Interlude 3
Jerome Kern - This Song Is You
Georg Vogel - Lill & Huhuh
Jaco Pastorius - Teen Town
Earl Hines - Rosetta
Georg Vogel - Zug
23. 5. 2021
GERALD PREINFALK & die engsten Vertrauten
Gerald Preinfalk: Sax. /// Saggs.
Clemens Salesny: Sax. /// Saggs..
Jure Pukl: Sax. /// Saggs..
Fabian Rucker: Sax. /// Saggs..
Georg Vogel: Klavier // piano // Glaviia
Ivar Roban Križić: Bass // Boss
Matheus Jardim: Schlagzeug // Drumset // Dsaegl
Porgy & Bess https://porgy.at/events/10451/
c Eckhart Derschmidt
c Wolfgang Gonaus
18. 5. 2021
Sargfabrik Wien / Vienna / Wean
Uraufführung von VERMITTLERSÄURE,
komponiert 2020 für das Janus Ensemble
Eva Klampfer: Gesang
Joanna Lewis: Violine
Simon Schellnegger: Viola
Arne Kircher: Cello
Tibor Kövesdi: Kontrabass
Annegret Bauerle: Flöte
Victoria Pfeil:
Christof Zellhofer: Trompete
Joe Pinkl: Posaune
Georg Vogel: Klavier
David Dornig: E-Gitarre
Max Kanzler: Percussion
Christoph Cech: Dirigat
Schwinden also,
bestmöglich schwinden,
so lang, so laut, so bestmöglich schwinden also.
Soll der Rest von mir aus
so lang, so laut, so bestmöglich schwinden!
c Videostream Sargfabrik
Konzert für Claviton von
Amir Abbas Ahmadi; *1770
Solist Georg Vogel: Claviton
David Dornig: Kronbeet
Solisten: David Dornig, Gitarre und Georg Vogel: Klavier
Aleksandra Bajde: kO[h]; Solistin: Aleksandra Bajde, Stimme und Performance
Dominik Leitner: Teufelsmühle – 60 Bohnen; Solistin: Jelena Popržan, Quinton Viola / Gesang
Ralph Mothwurf: SCHAM&BLEI, Warum schaut der Beethoven so traurig?; Solistin: Jelena Popržan, Quinton Viola / Gesang
28. 4. 2021
Max Nagl: saxophone, Saxophone, Saggsofoon
Martin Eberle: trumpet, Trompete, Ddrommbbeeddn
Phil Yaeger: trombone, Posaune, Bbosaaone
Georg Vogel: piano, Klavier, Glaviia
Gregor Aufmesser: bass, Bass, Boss
Alte Schmiede, Wien
20:30 Uhr, 8:30 PM, Hoeva Naene
9. 4. 2021
zwe, 20:15, 8:15 PM,
Fial iva Ochchde
1. 3. 2021
Janus Ensamble - Beethoven Pocket Orchestra
@ Sargfabrik Wien
c Videostream Sargfabrik
Stücke von / Pieces of / Schdiggen fo:
Paquito Chiti, Bernhard Geigl, Judit Varga & Christoph Cech
Joanna Lewis: Violine
Simon Schellnegger: Viola
Arne Kircher: Cello
Tibor Kövesdi: Kontrabass
Annegret Bauerle: Flöte
Victoria Pfeil:
Christof Zellhofer: Trompete
Joe Pinkl: Posaune
Georg Vogel: Keyboard
Paul Gulda: Klavier
Paquito Chiti: Klavier
David Dornig: E-Gitarre
Max Kanzler: Percussion
Johannes Kretz: Elektronik
Christoph Cech: Dirigat
Jure Pukl: Tenor Saxophon / tenorsaxophone / Ddenooasaggsofoon
Georg Vogel: Tasten / Keys / Ddassdn
Raphael Preuschl: E-Bass
/ E-Boss
Michael Prowaznik: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Porgy & Bess Wien
20:30 Uhr, 8:30 PM, Hoewa Naene
c Eckhart Derschmidt
13. 2. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone, 31-et Rhodes
c Eckhart Derschmidt
Soley Blümelr & Georg Vogel: Klavier / piano / Glaviia
c Eckhart Derschmidt
Elias Stemeseder: Klavier / piano / Glaviia
Georg Vogel: Klavier / piano / Glaviia
20:30 Uhr, 8:30 PM, Hoewa Naene
c Eckhart Derschmidt
12. 2. 2021
Georg Vogel: Clavitone / Clavitones / Glaweddoone
David Dornig: 31-Ton Gitarre / 31-tone guitar / 31-Ddoon Giddaa
Valentin Duit: Schlagzeug / drumset / Dsaegl
Gerald Preinfalk: Saxophone / Saxophones / Saggsofoone
c Eckhart Derschmidt
c Marie Jecel
20. 01. 2021
Franz Hautzinger: Trompete
Georg Vogel: Claviton
Der blöde dritte Mittwoch @ Echoraum